But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Mat 6:33
The story starts in verse 19 with “do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth”. It continues in verse 25 with “do not worry about…what you will eat…drink…wear”. And then in verse 33, “but seek first his kingdom and righteousness”. It becomes now a matter of priority; it’s about putting God first. We ought to prioritise our relationship with our heavenly Father and take with the utmost seriousness and priority anything that comes out of that relationship. We seek first what is spiritual and not what is material.
And God’s promise is that what is material, those things that we are tempted to prioritise, he will add to us when we get our priorities right. I don’t know about you, but I need help right here. It’s so easy to go, go, go, because I need to provide for the family of because I need to do better or to get ahead. May God help us today to slow down and to prioritise that which is most important. Ask him to help you with this. Find some time today to spend with him as you cultivate that relationship. OK, now that we are all worry-free, we will be moving on to other things. God bless.
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