Then they said, ‘Come, let us build ourselves a city, with a tower that reaches to the heavens, so that we may make a name for ourselves; otherwise we will be scattered over the face of the whole earth.’ Genesis 11:4
Wouldn’t it be good if we could find one problem that if solved would take care of everything else? Well look no further – I have solved the mystery for you. All you have to do is go find a mirror, stand in front of it and voila! That right there is the world’s biggest problem. It’s too much of that guy or that gal! If only we could fix that guy/gal, this world would be a better place. Maybe you don’t have a mirror – just pull out a bit of paper and write the word SIN. Then see who’s right at the centre of it. Or perhaps that word is a bit vague for you – let me bring it home. Write the word PRIDE. It’s the same guy who’s right in the centre of it too. I can still hear the words of Mr Major, my Science teacher, who would look you straight in the eye, poke your chest and with his booming voice shout “Too much Vitamin I”.
We’ve all got it. Pride! We think of ourselves and want to do things for ourselves so that we can look good or that we may be praised. We like to be in control and don’t really like others telling us what to do.
The guys in Genesis 11
1. tried to build their own means to get closer to God, not in heart but in height
2. were proud and had the objective to make a name for themselves, not through God-pleasing deeds done on the earth, but through a physical monument and
3. were in direct disobedience to God’s command to fill the earth
It’s about time we confessed of our pride and asked God to help us to be humble. If there’s one thing that God hates, it’s pride. It destroys everything. nations, cities, companies, churches, families, relationships, individuals. Everything!
Stop now and talk to God. Ask him to forgive you of pride in your heart and ask him to make you humble as Jesus is humble. But I must warn you, that’s a very dangerous prayer because when you pray it, God will answer and his answer to this prayer is not always fun…but it’s well worth it!
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