2 ‘I will make you into a great nation,
and I will bless you;
I will make your name great,
and you will be a blessing.
3 I will bless those who bless you,
and whoever curses you I will curse;
and all peoples on earth
will be blessed through you.’
Genesis 12:2-3
This was a great and significant declaration of promise in the Bible. Abram (Abraham) and his wife Sarai (Sarah) were both very old and well past the age of having children. Through a series of encounters with God, they receive a promise that they would have a son and that from their bodies was to come a very great nation and that they would be blessed to be a blessing to the nations of the world. This is a powerful story through which you really get to see and appreciate the purposes of God. God has always wanted a people for his own. God loves people, families, nations. God loves to bless and wants us to be a blessing.
God is rolling out his Master plan of redemption, how to save the world from what it has become. It didn’t matter how old Abraham and Sarah were or where they had been, God still had a plan and it included them playing a part. This was a plan that would echo into the very distant future and bless generations upon generations.
Today, I would like us to prayerfully carry two amazing truths.
Firstly God is a God of purpose. Yesterday, my wife was given a DVD titled “God’s NOT dead!” I look forward to watching that. It is so true. God is working and his purposes can never be thwarted. He’s in control and is never alarmed, anxious or afraid. His plan wins! We can rejoice in the good of that today.
Secondly, you are part of his plan. Not only is your own salvation very significant but also the role that you are to play in being a blessing to the world. You and I are God’s agents, his ambassadors here on the earth. God blesses you so that you can be a blessing. God shows you love, grace and mercy so that you can in turn pass them on and allow others to enjoy the goodness of God just as you continue to.
Let us walk tall and confident because we have a very great God and he has included us in his very great plan. Have a wonderful day full of God’s richest blessing!
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