8 The Lord is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and rich in love.
9 The Lord is good to all; he has compassion on all he has made.
Psalm 145:8-9
As we look to the Psalms to ignite our prayers, we come today to Psalm 145 that gives more insight into what God is like. Gracious! Compassionate! Slow to anger! Rich in love! It should stagger us that the God who is transcendent and too big to be understood by our teeny-weeny human brains is also this way towards us. Another part of the Bible talks of God being long-suffering; He withholds judgement of sin allowing us plenty of time to repent. And he does this because he is abounding in love.
We really need to try and grasp God’s love for us because it changes everything and forms the foundation for our relationship with him. A song based on these verses goes on to quote another verse: “as far as the East is from the West, that’s how far he has removed our transgressions from us”. That’s the Psalmist using infinite terms and trying to illustrate God’s love and compassion towards us. God’s disposition towards us is not one to punish our sins but to forgive them and allow us to have fullness of life in him.
The Lord is good to all. The Lord is good to me! You can say that to yourself as you ignite your prayers. Remind yourself of his goodness and unfailing love. This is where true gratitude starts. Thank him that he does not hold your sins against you but that he forgives them freely. He makes a choice to never remember them again. He removes the distance between himself and you and calls you to draw near. He loves you so much! If this doesn’t fuel your prayers, I’m not sure what else will. This is a time to thank God and to enjoy his grace and goodness. Enjoy!
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