Prayer killer #9: Unforgiveness

And when you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone, forgive them, so that your Father in heaven may forgive you your sins.” Mark 11:25

Unforgiveness is a killer. Not only does it eat us up and hold us bondage (I’m talking here about the one who holds the grudge, not the one who needs to be forgiven), but it also hinders our prayers and Jesus tells us to sort that out urgently in light of and for the sake our prayer lives.

Is there anyone that you hold any bitterness, resentment, grudges and unforgiveness towards? Pray that God will help you to let the issue go in your heart and to reconcile with the person. Take a few moments to think of how Jesus has forgiven and taken away the worst of your own sins. Now can you take the bold step of scheduling a way and time to approach the person/people you need to approach? God is with you and a big release will come with that action.

