To this end I strenuously contend with all the energy Christ so powerfully works in me. Col 1:29
The apostle Paul was never lacking in passion. He was aware that the One who has called and commissioned us has done so with all authority under the sun and that His call is for us to go to all people in all places to tell them the full message of the Gospel. He was aware that the mandate was to leave no stone unturned in people’s lives but to teach them to obey everything in order to present them fully mature in Christ. I am sure Paul would recall that when Jesus commissioned the disciples, he promised to be with them all the time. With this promise and the size of the mandate, his fitting response, found in Col 1:29 was to give everything he had, to spare nothing but to strenuously contend with ALL the energy that Christ so powerfully works in us.
You see, God has spared nothing, not even his own Son. Jesus held nothing back. He lost his dignity, acceptance, respect, comfort and ultimately his life so that you and I might find true life and purpose. And after being wholehearted followers of Jesus, our mandate is to produce the same in others. Let us hold nothing back. Let us spend and be spent for the sake of the Gospel. Let us contend strenuously with all the energy we have and remember, this energy is not of ourselves, but Christ works it powerfully in us! Purpose today to give yourself to God’s mission for the remainder of your days here on earth. God is with you!
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