…and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. Mat 28:20
He is the one we proclaim, admonishing and teaching everyone with all wisdom, so that we may present everyone fully mature in Christ. Col 1:28.
In Mat 28 and Col 1, Jesus and Paul both use words that depict totality when they describe the mission we have as Christians. Paul talks about teaching everyone with all wisdom, in order to present them fully mature in Christ. Jesus tells us that as we make disciples of all nations, we ought to teach them to obey everything that he has commanded us.
Being selective is a natural human phenomenon. We choose who we like and who we want to talk to, who we want in our circle of friends, in our company, in our church. We choose what we like and what we don’t. Tragically we approach the Bible like that. We like the bits about prosperity but not so much the bits about lying. We like the bits about God’s protection, but not so much the bits about sex outside of marriage. Some things we hold on to and repeat to others and yet some things we ignore as much as we can because they may mess up our plan or what we have in mind.
And yet, God applies no half measures. When it comes to how you should teach, it’s with ALL wisdom, teaching people (everyone) to obey EVERYTHING that God has commanded. We are to leave nothing out because our goal is that everyone arrives at FULL maturity. And guess what, the fact that you ought to teach someone to obey everything implies/assumes that you are obeying everything…or at least doing everything you can to grow daily in that.
What are some of God’s teaching that you have not liked or tended to ignore? What do you need to say sorry to God for and to ask for his help as you endeavour to grow in obedience? Our mandate is to receive and to present the word of God in all its fullness. Start today but embracing teachings of Jesus that you had somewhat neglected. Start with a sin that you struggle with. Pray and ask him for help. He hears you.
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