The woman said, ‘I know that Messiah’ (called Christ) ‘is coming. When he comes, he will explain everything to us.’ John 4:25
A woman is having a conversation with Jesus and she has no clue who she is talking to. When the conversation gets too deep for her understanding, she declares that when the Messaiah comes, he will explain everything. Unbeknownst to her, he was The One. She was talking to the Messaiah. A Messaiah is someone who is chosen and anointed to deliver a people. During that time, there was much oppression from the Romans and everyone took prophecies that a Messaiah was coming to mean that he would deliver them from the Romans. So they probably envisioned a Warrior of some sort, someone with big muscles and a big sword who could take on the Romans.
Many, like this woman here, had missed the point of why this Messaiah was really coming. They didn’t understand that his mission was much greater than rescuing a Jewish nation from Roman oppression. His rescue mission was more global in nature. Hi mission was to the whole world.
You see, Jesus came in quite a humble form and so people overlooked him and never thought he could possibly be the Messaiah. But they had no idea what was coming. He was born as a baby, raised by his parents and lived a normal life as a man on the earth. But this was a heavenly delegate, one sent from heaven with a worldwide rescue mission to rescue us all.
Tomorrow we will look at the name Jesus and see its meaning and significance to this rescue mission. Today, let us worship Jesus and thank him for coming in such a humble way and being committed to the mission to save the world. He is Christ the anointed one. Jesus the Messaiah!
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