Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God – this is your true and proper worship. Rom 12:1
Worship is a word that we abuse a lot; often we confine its meaning especially when we take worship to mean singing songs to God…the slow ones when we get to close our eyes, tilt our heads at 19 degrees and lift our hands. In doing this we dilute the meaning of worship and take away from the enormous commitment it calls for.
According to this verse in Romans 12:1, there are a few things to note about our true and proper worship:
1. Worship comes in response to God’s mercy. Worship is what we do as a fitting response to who God is, what he is like and what he does for himself and for us. Simply put, worship is what we do in response to the word, the worthiness and the works of God.
2. Worship is about living our lives – all day every day – as living sacrifices, in other words in constant surrender, devotion and obedience to God.
Everything we do constitutes worship. Worship has no restrictions; what we do when no one is watching – that’s worship. The things we say and how we treat other people – that’s worship. The way we give ourselves at work. The way we uphold integrity. Worship encompasses all of life. We need to live it and handle every single situation of life in a way that pleases our God and is fitting for a great and good God.
Will you be a worshipper today?
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