Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. 2 Cor 3:17
Last night, we watched a brilliant rendition of the big story of the Bible at our children’s school. The hilarious musical kept us clicking our fingers to the beat and had us laughing all the way through and yet, it brought home the powerful message of Jesus’s mission to earth and to the cross. When Adam and Even disobeyed God (or The Director as He was called in last night’s play), what was perfect now became messed up. Bondage was now introduced and it was to sin and all its effects.
John 8:36 says that if the Son (Jesus) sets you free, you will be free indeed. The mission of Jesus was one to come to earth to release the captives. When He died on the cross and forgave our sins, this historic moment brought freedom from the punishment and the ongoing power of sin. This freedom also did away with the requirements of the Law in order to gain access to God but we can come freely to Him, as we are and we will find love, acceptance, joy and fulfilment.
The Holy Spirit works to fulfil this mission and bring freedom. I have been concerned in recent days at what some so-called prophets are doing to people in the name of the power and presence of the Holy Spirit, bringing bondage and humiliation cutting right across the message of freedom that we see in 2 Corinthians.
Today, if your life is characterised by bondage and yokes and not by freedom, you can pray and ask the Holy Spirit to bring the freedom of Jesus. Receive the promise that where His Spirit is there is freedom and pray that you may walk in that. May you know God’s freedom today!
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