The man who had received five bags of gold brought the other five. ‘Master,’ he said, ‘you entrusted me with five bags of gold. See, I have gained five more.’ Mat 25:20
Jesus is the Master and he has given each of us talents. To some he has given plenty of this and not so much of that and to others not so much of this and plenty of that. Whatever it is that God has given you – be it the ability to preach, the ability to knit, the ability to show compassion, sport, music, accounts, creating wealth, the ability to make friends – whatever it is, you have a responsibility to grow it and use it for the benefit of others and for God’s glory.
What can you do this week to invest into your talent? Is there also something you can do in the medium term like join a group, sign up for a course, look for a mentor? Make a decision today to do something to cultivate yourself and what God has blessed you with. Do it!
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