By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another. John 13 v 35
Various disciplines and professions are identified by their own unique ‘thing’. Doctors by white coats and stethoscopes, mechanics by overalls and accountants by smart suits. Sports supporters also wear different uniforms to ensure that they show their different allegiances.
How then are Jesus’ disciples to be identified? Not signs and wonders, not financial blessing, not accurate prophetic words. Our differentiating trait is love. This week we will explore how we can stand out as Christians through expressing love amongst ourselves. It’s a simple concept but one that carries massive implications.
Prayer: Father help me love those that are in your family in all seasons and through all situations. By your Spirit empower me to love, I need it and I desire it. Thank you because you answer all prayer.
Guest post by: Keith Maphosa
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