20 I eagerly expect and hope that I will in no way be ashamed, but will have sufficient courage so that now as always Christ will be exalted in my body, whether by life or by death. 21 For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain. Phil 1:20-21
Paul was a guy on steroids! His ideals and values and theology were out of this world. I suppose when you are full of the Spirit and his purpose for you includes writing Scripture so that generations to come will be blessed and have their lives shaped for good, then it makes sense. Here he talks of life and death and basically Paul’s consistency is such that in both life and death, his purpose is the same – Christ will be exalted! When I am alive my life will be lived all for Jesus to Jesus and will be about Jesus. When I die, I get to be with Jesus, so it’s a win-win and whether I live or die, the focus remains on Jesus!
So for us challenge #1 would be is your life right now all about Jesus? Can you say with all your heart that you are living every moment for him alone? Challenge #2 has to do with your attitude towards death and this is related to the first because the question would be “is your life lived out in such a way that if the Lord were to let you know that he is taking you home today, you would be ready to go?” Also, do you have the right theology and world-view of death, the resurrection of the dead, heaven, etc.? Are you looking forward to being with Jesus, the angels and your brothers and sisters from different nations, tribes and tongues for all eternity?
A song I penned some years ago expresses how we will reply when we see him in all his glory, shining as the sun. “And the earth will reply – we will bow down and cry: ‘You are worthy O Lord to receive all the glory and the honour and the power and praise!’” It’s going to be awesome!
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