Luke 5:28
28 and Levi got up, left everything and followed him.
This isn’t the first time that we see a radical response such as this one. In fact earlier on in this chapter, we read about the miraculous catch of fish and the calling of Simon Peter. His response, together with his brother Andrew, as well as brothers James and John was just like that of Levi (who is also called Matthew) – they left everything and followed Him.
What do we mean everything? Well these guys had careers. They were fishermen. Levi was a tax collector. It’s not like they sat around with nothing to do. They had jobs. James and John worked in the family business with their dad. These guys had families – relationships – people they spent most of everyday with. These guys had lives.
They understood the call of Jesus to follow Him. Being a disciple in their day meant being willing to surrender your life, realising that from that moment on it was no longer your own.
In our case today, following Jesus may not require you to give up your job or your career. But yet again, it may. Question is, is your life surrendered to Jesus such that it results in instant obedience when He calls you to something. That’s the bottom line, realising that your life is not your own and as such responding in obedience everyday to Jesus Christ. That’s discipleship. It needs to be said of us today that we left everything and followed Him. You might still have your job, your car or your house, but in your heart you know that they are on loan. You know that they belong to the Master who owns everything. You realise that the are given to you for His glory and so that His mission can be accomplished through you. You hold them all lightly. All your ambitions, hopes and plans are in His hands. You pursue them only in light of the bigger picture of following Him and making His name famous in the nations. God help us.
I pray that you would be a true disciple of Jesus, walking with Him everyday, listening to His voice, learning from Him, doing what He tells you to do and allowing Him to live His life through You. Remember Gal 2:20
20 I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me.The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.
Decide today to leave everything and follow Him. That is the only worthy response to His call on your life.
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