For the foolishness of God is wiser than human wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than human strength. 1 Cor 1:25
Yesterday, I had a most exhilarating visit from a university lecturer and was fascinated by the ideas out of his recently accomplished PhD research. I love education. It is one of those things I am passionate about. My premise is that everybody deserves a good education and that we should work to help those without access to it to get it! And I love interacting with intelligent people and listening to them share their experiences, philosophies and aspirations. Education is a gift from God, a privilege he awards us and that he helps us to award to others. The problem comes when we start seeing our intelligence as the source and reason for all of life’s successes. When we say things like, “do you know that I went to school and studied hard to get to where I am today” we potentially elevate our intelligence above the providence of God and his grace in awarding you that education in the first place.
This whole passage starting from verse 18 is talking about how God confounds the wisdom of the wise and the strength of the strong through the cross. The way of the kingdom of God is not about intellect, but simply about faith in him. One put the pressure to perform on us and the other rests in him and allows him to be God. That is why when you think about the fact that the death of God on two pieces of wood in the middle of nowhere becomes the most significant event of history and one that leads to our salvation and the significance of life, you realise that God really means what he says and it’s only in his wisdom alone that we are what we are.
Peter and John were disciples of Jesus and the religious leaders of the day saw them perform miracles with boldness. When they confronted them, it says this in Acts 4:13. “When they saw the courage of Peter and John and realised that they were unschooled, ordinary men, they were astonished and they took note that these men had been with Jesus.”
So the accomplishments of your life will not be measured according to how educated you are, but rather how much you have been with Jesus. Make every effort to walk with him today.
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