14 But Zion said, ‘The Lord has forsaken me,
the Lord has forgotten me.’
15 ‘Can a mother forget the baby at her breast
and have no compassion on the child she has borne?
Though she may forget,
I will not forget you! Is 49:14-15.
God is amazing! The Bible teaches us that we are made in his image, everyone of us. No matter who you are on this earth, you can look at God and see how you are made in his image. For example, if you are a mother, there are so many verses you can look up and see God referring to himself with imagery of motherhood. In Is 49:14-15, he shows us that he will never forget us as a mother the child at her breast. In Is 42:14, we see a mother in labour crying out. In Is 66:12-13 we see a mother who comforts her children. In Mat 23:37 we see a mother hen gathering her chicks.
Mothers are special. We look at them and see God. The carry, feed, care for, discipline, protect and love deeply, just like God. They are gentle, compassionate and patient. They are resourceful and strong! They never ever give up on their children. They are heart-broken when their children err. They shed many tears for them and pray unendingly for them. Surely these are among the greatest people of all time, the unsung heroes of every generation. They represent God to us in a way that shapes us and makes us who we are in life. We celebrate motherhood, God’s priceless gift to us. Here’s to all mums. May the blessings and love of God surround you as you display the true character of God and as you bring out the same in your precious ones. To the rest of us, may we take time to honour these heroes of the faith.
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