When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, that you may spend what you get on your pleasures. James 4:3
We started our series on Prayer killers in James 4:2 where prayerlessness was a killer. We end our series in the very next verse where motive in prayer is our pertinent. We cannot ask God out of a selfish heart and expect him to be at our beck and call ready to do what we want him to do. God doesn’t work like that. He’s not our standby guy who will jump when we say jump.
It’s time to check out motivation. Are we selfish? Do we want our way all the time? Do we want something so that it can make us look good or give us the position and status that sets us apart from everyone else? Are you right at the centre of your world? Or rather, are you motivated by God’s eternal mission and ultimately giving him glory? Are you moved by those who have less than you and do you ask for their blessing and upliftment?
Selfishness is a killer of prayer and many other things. Get it before it gets you.